A commercial refrigerator needs to be purchased by checking all specifications. They are different from the normal ones. Depending on the needs of these refrigerators, the purchase decision needs to be made. However, before you hire commercial refrigeration in Derby, make sure that you’ve checked these points.
These points will assure that the refrigerator you’ve purchased is a good one and will certainly serve your purpose.

Size of the refrigerator
The sizes of the commercial refrigerators are very important. Since they will be used for commercial purposes, you need to consider the amount of space required and make the purchase accordingly. If you have a small purpose business, then a medium-sized commercial fridge is enough to serve the purpose. On the contrary, if you have a large business, you’ll surely need a bigger one.
Type of door material
Whenever you purchase or hire commercial refrigerators, check the type of door material you’re using. If you’re planning on using the freezer for front shop purposes, a glass door will be a good option. It will allow you to see through and get hold of the products easily. On the contrary, a solid door serves when the fridge is used for back shop purposes.

Casters vs legs
Cleaning the surroundings of the refrigerator is essential. For that, casters are a good option. They act like wheels and allow you to move the fridge here and there. Hence, depending on the location where you are planning on installing the fridge, you can opt for either caster or legs. If you have enough space, then go for legs; otherwise, it gets casters.
Doors, drawers and shelves
You must check things like straight or tilted drawers, moisture and rust resistant shelves and full-sized doors. These things are necessary if you want to use the fridge for food storage purposes. You can also buy the ones with Dutch doors. These doors will allow you to open half section of the fridge and prevent the loss of the cold air from the fridge.
Over 35 years, we at ICETEK are providing the finest-quality commercial refrigerators. Our services in this regard include cold room storage, commercial kitchen refrigeration, bottle coolers and ice machines. If you’re looking for a reliable commercial fridge, then purchase from us.
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